...Looking for childcare that is! At the start of this week, I was just about to go into cardiac arrest over the stress of needing childcare all of the sudden. We had an option lined up that totally fell through on Sunday. Fortunately, looking at the situation now, it wasn't a good one. In fact, it was a really bad situation, let me be honest. One of my favorite quotes came from the mouth of one of my ultimate idols Marilyn Monroe, who once said "Some times good things fall apart so that better things can fall together." And boy was she right. Especially considering it wasn't a "good thing" to begin with.
I found an excellent website called IndyMomsLikeMe.com that has a section called the Marketplace where people can list items or services to buy or sell. One of the things that they focus on is connecting people with different childcare options. It literally hosts every type of childcare that you would ever need. You can find anything from a family looking for an occasional babysitter, a full-time nanny or home-daycare, and it even allows full licensed daycares to post listings for openings that they have available. It's really very cool.
So, I logged on and created a profile and screen name and totally lucked out! I found 4 great options for home day care centers that are very close to my house. I've been talking with the women who run these day cares from their homes and getting information from each of them one by one. As of today, I started setting up meetings with them for a few weeks from now. I have two of them scheduled and ready to go.
All of the options are definitely more money than we were origionally planning on spending, (in fact, nearly double,) but they are MUCH better options altogether, so I believe it will be more than worth it.
I'm ending my week on a great note. Things are looking up!